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Sunday, 22 June 2014

Help with Hebrew GCSE Listening Test - June 2013

Guidance to answering the 2013 Listening Test. Question by Question. 

Link to Exam transcript:
June 2013 GCSE Unit 1 - Listening Test Transcript

Link to Exam paper:
Unit 01 - Listening Test: Question paper 
Link to hear the recording:
June 2013 GCSE Unit 1 - Listening Test Recording.

Guidance, Tips and Answers:

Question 1

What do they say about their rooms?
Guidance & Tips:
Read the text and look for any repetitions (you will be able to hear the repetition in the recording)
Once you have identified the repetitions you will get the main thing this script is talking about.

When you read the text you will see that the sentence start with the word שמי repeated in the beginning of every sentence (my name).

Following is a name.  When you hear the recording write the names in English next to each sentence.

Then the word חדר שלי is repeated (My room) prefixed with either ב (in) or with ה (the)

the sentence then follows to tell you:
Something that is in the room.
Or a description of the room.

You are now ready to answer. Try it yourself first by translating, here is some help:

*Adnina - Her sentence has a  בחדר (in the room) פסנתר Piano* (Done for you)

Yoav - His sentence has a  בחדר (in room) מחשב 

Rachel -  Her sentence has a  בחדר (in room) חלון 

Shlomo - His sentence has a  החדר (the room) צבע כחול 

Nira - Her sentence has a  החדר (the room) קומה שלישית (from the word שלוש Three)

Yair - His sentence has a  החדר (the room) גדול 

Yardena - Her sentence has a  החדר (the room) צבע וורוד 

(I am not sure why the spelling of pink has 2 Vav in the start, it should be ורוד - It may be a typing error)

What do the people say about their room?
Yoav's  has a computer
Rachel's  has a Small window, 
Shlomo's room is Blue Colour
Nira room is on the Third Floor
Yair's room is Big
Yardena's room is Pink Colour

Question 2

Talking about the jobs of family members.
What do they do?
Guidance & Tips:
Look at the the text, it talks about family members.  
my Sister - אחותי <=   Sister - אחות

 my Mum - אמא שלי<=   Mum - אמא

my Brother - אחי <=   Brother - אח

my Big sister - אחותי הגדולה <=   Big Sister -אחות גדולה

Each sentence tells you the job of each family member. Try translating what you know. 

If you are struggling look for clues.

Look for any word that is the same as in English. 
The word בנק Bank in the last sentence 2d.

Now look through the pictures in 2d.
Can you see which is the correct picture?

There are 3 left to match 2a, 2b, 2c

2a is referring to Mum אמא its a female. Even if you don't know what the job is אחות בבית חולים Sister/Nurse in hospital, there is only one picture of a female 
Can you see which is the correct picture?

There are 2 left to match 2b and 2c

You can see that 2c has the word מיסעדה Restaurant, the same as in the example that is done for you. 
Can you see which is the correct picture?

The last one to match is 2b can you will need to recognize the word נעליים Shoes, in order to get it right.

Can you see which is the correct picture?


What do the family members do?

 *Sister is Waitress in a restaurant - מלצרית במיסעדה => Correct Picture is B(Done for you)
2 (a)Mother Sister/Nurse in hospital - אחות בבית חולים => Correct Picture is B
Brother Seller in a shoe shop - מוכר בחנות נעליים => Correct Picture is A
Dad Cook/Cheff - טבח => Correct Picture is B
Big Sister Cashier in a Bank-  קופאית בבנק => Correct Picture is A

Question 3

What does Eyal do in the afternoons?
Guidance & Tips:
The first sentence of the paragraph is a question.  I have highlighted, in yellow, the bit of the question that you need to understand in order to answer the question.
?אייל, מה אתה עושה בדרך כלל אחרי הצוהוריים

The verb עושה Do
Can you tell what the question is asking?
What are you doing?

The rest of the sentence mean: Usually in the after noon.

You do not actually need to know what that mean to answer the question.

The question is followed with an answer of what אייל Eyal is doing

I have highlighted the things he is doing.
.אני משחק במחשב וצופה בטלוויזיה
.אני גם קורא ספרים ולפעמים אני רוכב על אופניים

I Play on the computer and watch television
I also read books and sometimes I ride on a bicycle

You are now ready to answer. Try it yourself first.


What does Eyal do in the afternoons?

The Pictures that tell what Eyal does are:

*F - Computer (Done for you)
B - Television
D - Books
G - Bicycle

Question 4

Where are these people going?
Guidance & Tips:
This question is divided into 4 parts
Each part is about where one person is going.  הולכת /הולך  Go
Each part is stating with a question to the person asking them a question about where they are going or what is their plan?


Can you translate the first question?

בועז Boaz (Name) you will hear it in the recording, write the name next to sentence 1
?לאן אתה הולך, בועז
Where are you going, Boaz?

Boaz is then saying where he is going by telling you what he needs to buy (I have highlighted it in yellow).  But he starts his answer with why he is going there, this is not necessary to know in order to answer the question. 
אני צריך ללכת לקנות מתנה לאמי, ליום הולדתה. אולי
עגילים או שרשרת
I need to go to buy a present for my mum, for her birthday. Maybe
earrings or Necklace

Can you answer the question by putting the right letter in the box for Boaz?

Part 2
Can you translate the first question?

The question is now referring to  אביגיל AvigailYou will hear the name in the recording; write the name next sentence 2
ואת, אביגיל?
And you Avigail?

Avigail is then saying where she is going by telling you what she is needs  צריכהto to buy לקנות  (I have highlighted it in yellow).  She then telling you why she is going there, this is not necessary to know in order to answer the question. 
אני צריכה לקנות עוגות ועוגיות למסיבת יום ההולדת שלי
I need to buy cookies and cakes for the party of my birthday

Can you answer the question by putting the right letter in the box for Avigail?

Part 3
Can you translate the first question?

In this part the question is the same but is worded a little different. 

ראובן Reuven (Name) you will hear it in the recording, write the name next to sentence 3

?ואתה ראובן, מה התוכניות שלך
תוכניות  Plans
And you Reuven, what are your plans?

Reuven is then saying where he is going by telling you that he wants רוצה to buyלקנות  shirt חולצה for Saturday (I have highlighted it in yellow).  But he starts his answer by telling you: I got קיבלתי , money כסף for my birthday, this is not necessary to know in order to answer the question. 
אני קיבלתי כסף ליום הולדתי. אני רוצה לקנות חולצה לשבת

Can you answer the question by putting the right letter in the box for Reuven?

Part 4
Can you translate the first question?

אביבה Aviva (Name) you will hear it in the recording, write the name next to sentence 3

לאן את הולכת, אביבה?
Where are you going, Aviva?

Aviva is then saying where she is going by telling you: I need צריכה to send לשלוח electronic mail דואר אלקטרוני (I have highlighted it in yellow). She then tells you who she sending the mail to: my friend  לחברה של  She also adds that she needs to read לקרוא all messages הודעות , this is not necessary to know in order to answer the question.

אני צריכה לשלוח דואר אלקטרוני לחברה שלי ולקרוא את כל הודעות
I need to send electronic mail to my friend and read all messages

Can you answer the question by putting the right letter in the box for Aviva?

Boaz – E Jeweller’s
Avigail – A Baker
Reuven – B Clothes Shop
Aviva  D internet café

Question 5

Three friends are talking about food.
What do they think about the food?
Guidance & Tips:

Lets look at the 1st paragraph. 
שמי אלון. כאשר אני מבקר אצל הדודה שלי, היא תמיד קונה לי
. פיצה. זה לא יקר
Can you translate this paragraph?

The paragraph start with שמי אלון My name is Alon

Now look for the food word. It is the same as in English פיצה
So Alon is talking about Pizza. 

What is alon saying about the Pizza? 
He is saying זה לא יקר Not expensive.

Can you put the correct letter in the box for Alon?

Lets look at the 2nd paragraph. 
שמי ריבקה. אנחנו אוכלים ארוחת ערב כשההורים חוזרים הביתה
 מהעבודה, כל פעם בשעה אחרת. לפעמים זה מאוחר ואז האוכל קר
ולא טעים ואני לא אוהבת את זה
Can you translate this paragraph?

The paragraph start with שמי ריבקה My name is Rivka

Look for the food word. Its ארוחת ערב Evening Meal.

What is Rivka saying about the meal?
אוכל קר Food cold
לא טעים Not Tasty
לא אוהבת Don't Like/Love

Can you put the correct letter in the box for Rivkah?

Lets look at the 3rd paragraph. 
שמי גיל. אני הכי אוהב את מרק הירקות שאמא מכינה. זה כל
כך טעים ואני תמיד מבקש מנה נוספת

Can you translate this paragraph?

The paragraph start with שמי גיל My name is Gil.

Look for the food word. Its מרק הירקות The vegetable Soup.

What is Gil saying about the meal?
אוהב Like/Love
טעים Tasty
מנה נוספת Another portion

What do they think about the food?

Alon - B It is Cheap
Rivka - D it is Bad
Gil - C It is Good

Question 6

People are talking about their town.
Which places are they describing?
Guidance & Tips:
Read the 1st sentence, you will see thee word כדורגל Football (You will also hear it in the recording)
Can you tell the which  place is talked about?

Read the 2nd sentenceyou will see thee words:
חיות - Animals
פילים - Elephants
קופים Monkeys
 (You will also hear it in the recording)
Can you tell the which  place is talked about?

Read the 3rdsentence, you will see thee word רכבות Trains  (You will also hear it in the recording)
Can you tell the which  place is talked about?

Read the 4th sentence, you will see thee word שחייה Swimming (You will also hear it in the recording)
Can you tell the which  place is talked about?

Read the 5th sentence, you will see thee word סרט film
Can you tell the which  place is talked about?

אני הולך לשם עם אבי ביום ראשון אחר הצוהוריים כי שנינו אוהבים לראות משחק כדורגל
 I go there with my dad on Sunday afternoon because we both like to see a game of football

פה רואים הרבה חיות. אני במיוחד אוהבת לראות את הפילים והקופים
Here we see a lot of animals. I especially like  to see the Elephant and Monkeys

מפה נוסעות הרכבות כל חצי שעה
From here the trains are travelling every half an hour

אני הולכת לשם לפחות פעמיים בשבוע כי שחייה היא התחביב שלי
I go there at least twice a week because swimming is my hobby

הבניין הזה נימצא במרכז  העיר. אני הולך לשם כאשר אני רוצה ליראות סרט
This building is in the centre of town. I go there when I want to watch a film

Which places are they describing?

6 (a) - F The Zoo
6 (b) - B Train Station
6 (c) - H Swimming pool
6 (d) - D Cinema

Question 7

Opinions about the hotel
What opinions do the youngsters have about the hotel?

Guidance & Tips:
The important verb to know for this sentence is
Thinks  (male)חושב -  
  Thinks (Female) - חושבת 
Each question is asking a person what they think about the hotel.
When you hear the recordings, you will hear each name.
אילנה - Ilana
מה את חושבת על המלון?
What do you think about (on) the hotel?
Listen/Read the answer. The key words in the answer are
מצוין - Excellent
מאוד - Very
גדעון - Gideon
מה אתה חושב?
Listen/Read the answer. The key words in the answer are
מידי - Too much
רינה Rina
מה את חושבת?
 Listen/Read the answer. The key words in the answer are
מפריע  - Disturbs
למרות  - Even though
דווקא - Actually
The next question is a little different but asks the same thing.
עודד - Oded 
 מה דעתך?
What is your opinion?
Listen/Read the answer. The key words in the answer are
נקי - Clean
נהדר - Wonderful
?Can you try and answer the question
אילנה. מה את חושבת על המלון?
לדעתי האוכל מצויין והחדרים מאוד נקיים 
In my opinion the food is great and the rooms very clean

גדעון. מה אתה חושב?
לדעתי, המלון גדול מידי והמועדון במרתף רועש מידי
In my opinion the hotel is too (much) big and the club in the basement is too (much) noisy
רינה. מה את חושבת?
הרעש של המכווניות מפריע לי לישון כל הלילה למרות שזה דווקא נוח, שהמלון נמצא במרכז העיר.
The noise of the cars disturbs me to sleep all night even though that its actually comfortable that the hotel is placed in centre of town
עודד. מה דעתך?
לפני שהגעתי, הייתי בטוח שהמלון לא ימצא חן בעיני. עכשיו אני רואה שהמלון נקי והשרות נהדר
Before I arrived I was sure that the hotel wouldn't be liked by me but now I can see that the hotel is clean and the service is wonderful
What opinions do the youngsters have about the hotel?
7 (i) Ilana - P
7 (ii) Gideon - N
7 (iii) Rina - P+N
7 (iv) Oded - P


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