If you need Help with letters sounds and Nikud look at my Blogg posts
Any questions don't hesitate to ask, I am here to help :)
To make it simple, I will be using colours for the Nikud symbols. This will help you remember the sound they give the letter.
I will be dropping the colours as the lessons progress.
Sounds: Aa
The Flat lines, makes the sound a - The letters with this nikud will be black סָ סַ
The 2 vertical dots or no symbol, quick sound, will be Brown סְ ס
Silent letter will be light Grey.
Silent letter will be light Grey.
Aa = אַ / Aa = אָ
Remember: Bet has 2 sounds B and V
Va = בַ / Va = בָ
Remember: Gimel can sound like ge / Ja if it has apostrophe
Ge/Ja = 'גַ / Ge/Ja = 'גָ / Ga = גַ / Ga= גָ
More examples
More examples
Da = דַ / Da = דָ
Ha = הַ / Ha = הָ
Va = וַ / Va = וָ
Ka = קַ / Ka = קָ
La = לַ / La = לָ
And so on...
Lets Practice reading some wordsBag = בַּג
Rag = רַג
Bar = בַּר
Cat / Kat = קַט
Dan = דָן
Hi = הַי
Lam = לָם
Mash = מַשׁ
Vat = וַט
Nav = נָב
Jag =גָ'ג
Remember Alef is silent when it appears without sound symbol
Bag = בַּאג
Rag = רָאג
Bar = בַּאר
Cat / Kat = קַאט
Dan = דָאן
Hi = הַאי
Lam = לָאם
Mash = מַאש
Vat = וַאט
Nav = נָאב
Jag = גָ'אג
Badge = 'בָּאג
Remember Hey is silent when it appears without sound symbol
Ana = אָנָה
Java = גָ'בָה
Maya= מַיָה
Before proceeding to next Lesson, watch this video:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
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