Learning is FUN with Kidima

Learn Ivrit, the Language of Israel

Learning is FUN with Kidima.

Learn Hebrew the Language of the Bible

Learning is FUN with Kidima.

Learn to speak Ivrit, the language of Israel

Learning is FUN with Kidima.

Get help with Hebrew GCSE

Learning is FUN with Kidima.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Alef Bet Poster

This attractive Alef Bet Poster is digitally created. It is high quality with variant colours. It will brighten up your child's room and make learning the Hebrew Alef Bet FUN! 
It will also look fabulous in a classroom or Kindergarten.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Nikud Explaind

In this lesson I will explain the vowel system in Hebrew, Ivrit.  The Ivrit vowels is called Nikud, it means dotting, pointing. 
It is a system of small marks or symbols. Lines and dots are used to represent the vowels. They are places under, on top or in letters.

Once you become a more comfortable reader you will be able to read without the Nikud (sound symbols).

Although the Ivrit letters are all consonants, two of them can be used as vowels. Its just like in English where the consonant letter 'Y' sometimes behaves like a vowel. 
Example of this is in the word Baby.  This will be explained separately.

To help you understand how the Nikud system  works, lets look at the sentence:

The Rabbit took the carrot.

Now lets imagine this sentence, written again, but lets put the vowels (as smaller letters), where they would appear if it was Ivrit

What we end up with, is a string of consonants with vowels underneath or on top of the letters.  In Ivrit these will be small symbols (Lines and dots)

Lets look at an example: 
The vowel 'a' in the word Rabbit is places under the 'R' to make 'R' sound like 'Ra'. 
In Ivrit , instead of letter we use this symbol:
 and it will be placed under the letter.
Look at the rest of the sentence to understand how the consonants gets the sound by placing the small vowel underneath.

This is a post to teach you all the symbols - Nikud.

Cursive Script Letters

In this lesson we are going to learn the Appearance of Cursive / Script Letters. 

You will learn how to write each letter. There are arrows showing the direction and where to start when writing each letter. I also provide some steps for each letter.

Practice writing the letters. Its important to write the letters correctly because it will make writing easier and will add speed to your writing. 

You can watch my video on Kidima channel on Youtube, it shows you how to write each letter.

Have fun.

Alef Block - א

Alef in Cursive / Script

1. Start from the top of the curve

2. Draw the curved line
3. Draw the line on the right

(The line can touch the curve)

Bet Block - ב

Bet Cursive / Script

1. Start from the top
2. Draw a curve line to the right and continue down
3 Draw a smaller curve under the top curve

Gimel Block - ג

Gimel Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw the line which can be a little slanted
3. Draw the curve to the left

Dalet Block - ד

Dalet Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw curve, loop  round and down

Hey Block - ה

Hey Cursive / Script

1. Start from the top
2. Draw the first curve
3. Draw another smaller curve inside

Vav Block - ו

Vav Cursive / Script

1. Start from the top
2. Draw a line straight down

Zayin Block - ז

Zayin Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw the line which can be straight or a little slanted
3. Draw the curve to the right

H'et Block - ח

H'et Cursive  / Script
1. Start from the top of the curve
2. Draw the curve
3. Go back to the top
4. Draw the straight line down

Tet Block - ט

Tet Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top right
2. Draw a line down
3. Curve
4. Continue the curve to the top right

Yud Block -  י

Yud Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a short line straight down

(Yud is floating above the writing line)

Kaf Block - כ

Kaf Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a curve
 3. Continue and finish bellow the start point

Kaf Sofit Block - ך

Kaaf Sofit Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a curve and continue down
3 Curve the line in and go up a little
4 Draw a line straight down

(The line of kaf Sofit finishes below the writing line)

Lamed Block - ל

Lamed Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top of the loop
2. Draw a closed loop
3. Continue up
4. Curve the top to the right and down a little

Mem Block - מ

Mem Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a line straight down
3 Draw a slanted line up to the left
3. Draw a line straight down

Mem Sofit Block - ם

Mem Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a closed circle
3. Continue with a line straight down

Nun Block - נ

Nun Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. draw a line straight down
3. Curve the line a little to the right
4. Draw a short line to the left

Nun Sofit Block - ן

Nun Sofit Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a longish line straight down

(Nun Sofit finishes below the writing line)

Sameh' Block - ס

Sameh' Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a circle

Ayin Block - ע

Ayin Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top right
2. Draw a curve
3. Continue up and back over the first curve

Peh Block - פ

Peh Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a spiral

Peh Sofit Block - ף

Peh Sofit Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top of the bottom loop
2. Draw a closed loop
3. Continue up and curve the top to create another loop
4. Finish with another loop

Tsadi Block - צ

Tsadi Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top
2. Draw a curve
3. Draw another curve
(Like the number 3)

Tsadi Sofit Block - ץ

Tsadi Sofit Cursive / Script
1. Start from the top of the bottom loop
2. Draw a closed loop
3. Continue up and curve the top to create another loop
4. Flick the line upwards

Kuf Block - ק

Kuf Cursive / Script

1. Start from the top
2. Draw a curve to the right and down
3. Draw a longish  line down

(The line of kuf finishes below the writing line)

Resh Block - ר

Resh Cursive / Script
 1. Start from the top
2. Draw a curve to the right and down

Shin Block - ש

Shin Cursive / Script
 1. Start from the top of the right line
2. Draw a curve to the left
3. Continue the curve up
4. Draw a loop

Tav Block - ת

Tav Cursive / Script
1.  Start from the top
2. Draw a curve to the right and down
3. Go back to the top
4 Draw a line down and to the left

Block Letters

In this lesson we are going to learn the Appearance of Block Letters. We will learn the letter's name and any special qualities a letter has, such as double sound for example

We will also learn the letter's quick sound. The letter's quick sound is typically the sound of the first letter of the letter's name. 

A letter makes a quick sound when it appears with no vowels (The vowels are lines or dots appearing under, on top or in the letters). Also when there are two vertical dots underneath the letter the letter will make a quick sound.

Lets move to the right hand side of the page because Hebrew is written from right to left.

Alef אָלֶף

Alef doesn't have a quick sound. א אְ is silent

Bet בֵּית
  Bet has 2 quick sounds; B (Strong) and V (Weak)
If a there is dot in the Bet it sounds like B  בּ בְּ
If there is no dot in the Bet it sound like V  ב בְ
Hint to remember this: If letter has a  Belly Button its sounds is B

 Gimel גִימֶל
Gimel quick sound ג גְ is G
When Gimel has apostrophe it will make Ge / J sound

Dalet דָלֶת
Dalet quick sound ד דְ is  D

Hey הֵי
Hey doesn't have a quick sound ה הְ is silent 

Vav וָו
Vav quick sound ו וְ is V
 NOTE: Letter can also be used as a vowel, with dot in the middle, sound oo וּ
 NOTE: Letter can also be used as a vowel, with dot on top,  sound o וֹ

Hey זָיִן
Zayin quick sound ז זְ is Z
When Zayin has apostrophe 'ז it will make Ja (French pronunciation) sound

H'et חֶט
H'et quick sound ח חְ is H'
NOTE: This sound is not like the the letter Hey above. It comes more from the back of the throat. See my video to hear the sound, link at the end of the lesson

Tet טֶט
Tet quick sound ט טְ is T

Yud יוּד
Yud quick sound י יְ is Y
 NOTE: Letter can also be used as a vowel, and sound ee / i י

Kaf כַּף
Kaf has 2 quick sounds; K (Strong) and H' (Weak like H'et)
If a dot appear in the Kaf it sounds like K  כּ
If there is no dot in the Kaf it sound like H'  כ
When Kaf appears at the end of a word it looks different and is called called Final kaf
Final Kaf כַּף סוֹפִית

Final Kaf has 1 quick sound  ך ךְ H'

Lamed לָמֶד
Lamed quick sound ל לְ is L

Mem מֵם
Mem quick sound מ מְ is M
When Mem appears at the end of a word (Like in the Letter's name Mem) it looks  different and is called called Final Mem

Final Mem מֵם סוֹפִית

 Final Mem quick sound ם m

Noon נוּן
Noon quick sound נ נְ is  N
 When Noon appears at the end of a word (Like in the Letter's name Noon) it looks  different and is called called Final Noon

Final Mem נוּן סוֹפִית

Final Noon quick sound ן n

Sameh' ְסַמֶך
Sameh' quick sound ס סְ is S 

Ayin עָיִן
Ayin quick sound ע עְ is A

Peh פֶּה
Peh has 2 sounds; P (Strong) and F (Weak)
If a dot appear in the Peh it sounds like P  פּ פְּ
If there is no dot in the Peh it sound like f  פ פְ
When Peh appears at the end of a word it looks  different and is called called Final Peh
Final Mem פֶּה סוֹפִית

Final Peh quick sound ף f

Tsadi צָדִי
Tsadi quick sound צ צְ is TS
When Tsadi appears at the end of a word it looks  different and is called called Final Tsadi
When Tsadi has apostrophe 'צ it will make Ch sound

vFinal Tsadi צָדִי סוֹפִית

Final Tsadi quick sound ץ ts

Kuf קוּף
Kuf quick sound ק קְ is K

Resh רֶשׁ
Resh quick sound ר רְ is R

Shin שִׁין

Shin has 2 quick sounds; SH (Strong) and S (Weak)
A dot on the right hand corner of the letter make it sound like SH  שׁ שְׁ
A dot on the left hand corner of the letter make it sounds like שׂ שְׂ

Tav תַו
Tav quick sound ת תְ is T